Social Media Shaping Political Opinion and Impacting Poll Campaigns
Dipika Mohinani,
readership of the print media and the entry of smartphones have strengthened
social media’s role in shaping political narratives. In a way, it has become a linkage
between the governing body and those who are governed, with people feeling
increasingly that they can connect on an individual basis with their chosen
representatives. In recent years, many politicians have taken to social media
to connect with the general masses. Sites like twitter and Facebook have
managed to change the political culture setting new trends in politics and also
being used as spaces for open debates. Agendas are progressively being
mobilised through tweets, posts and visual effects that are designed
specifically to diverge a person’s attention to a specific narrative.
activities on social media, despite being engaging and informative, are
unregulated. There is close to negligible surveillance of the information
spread over the internet. The recent trend of generating “fake news” has given
rise to various fact-checking agencies, especially during election campaigns.
Voter behaviour can be manipulated through cyber intervention via social
platforms and messaging applications. Political parties have been criticised
for distributing videos, audios, images, articles, graphics and posts through
means that are unaccounted for by the government. Additionally, specific groups
are easily targeted based on their age, location coupled with a plethora of
available information related to political and religious inclinations,
interests, hobbies, preferences and lifestyle. Even simple daily activities
like purchasing, interests, hobbies and likes can indicate political
inclinations and orientation of a user through data algorithms. Targeted
content or tailor-made messages find acceptance among a group of voters as it
is precisely relevant to their concerns and preferences.
2016, during US President Donald Trump’s campaigning, Cambridge Analytica (a
political campaigning agency) was accused of harnessing information from
Facebook to produce ads targeting voters as part of their campaigns. It came
under criticism as private agencies like Facebook are not allowed to collect
data without the consent of the users although data can be taken from
publically and commercially available sources. Similarly, in India, fake news
was used to grab voters’ attention. Expenses made on digital advertising are not
transparent, making the situation worrisome.
is largely a human vs technology issue and developing a data protection
framework worldwide is a necessity. Security features like end-to-end
encryption in messaging services enhance privacy of the users, nonetheless are
susceptible to misuse according to the government. The other side of the coin
being complete government control over internet usage can be alarming.
Regulating news does not necessarily imply that the interests of an individual will
be served by the governments. Independence of the private sector and free
speech must be preserved. Against the same backdrop, harms caused by “hate
speech” or “fake news” could be dealt in a more systematic manner within the
jurisdiction of the government, making every action accountable. Private firms
must also closely work towards data protection. Extensive awareness among the
masses through education camps is a priority in today’s times. It should not
only be a job of the government or big private corporates, but also of individuals
and communities to safeguard their own rights and duties.
Dipika Mohinani is Research Intern at CPPR. Views expressed by the author are personal and need not reflect or represent the views of Centre for Public Policy Research.