Aam Admi Prime Minister: Scope and chances
by D. Dhanuraj
A few days are left before the first batch of voters to go
to the polling booths to select their representatives of 16th Lok
Sabha. This time, unlike in the recent
past, the most ferociously fought election with a multi cornered fight in many
of them may go hay wire in the days to come.
If exit polls could
be believed, Narendra Modi is marching ahead with meticulous strategies and
belle- belle oratories. Modi camp had started preparations a few years ago for
this most spectacular poll showing but the emergence of Aravind Kejriwal and
his group had added a new dimension to the arithmetic of the final outcome.
Even though many pollsters are confident of BJP crossing 190 of its own and
winning over the alliance parties in the process, others are skeptical about this
and BJPcrossing the threshold. Their prime concern is about the outreach of BJP
at national level and how many of these States could be the best bet for them
to march into Raisina Hills.
Apparently, BJPs plans are in the lines of gain maximum from
the States like Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh,
Chattisgarh, Rajastan, Gujarat and Bihar. Altogether these States account for
287 seats. Out of these States, they
don’t expect to win more than 50 % from Maharashtra and Karnataka (together
total 76 seats) and in UP, they trying their best to cross 55. In Bihar, it is
going to be triangular contests in many and BJP-LJP may top the list with 18 to
20 seats. In other States, one can expect a decent show of around 80% of the
seats go in the BJP way. Thus it is
going to be make or break situation for BJP in this round to reach the
threshold of 190 to gain upper hand in the race.
This situation opens up the scenario for the every other
political party leaders to dream high.
What are the possibilities if Modi couldn’t make it to the
PM post?
Tantrums of Amma
and Didi have been based on their
ambitions. But the question is in the race for PM post, how much they will dare to lose their control
in their own states by giving way to another leader from their party by handing
over Chief Ministership. Furthermore, they are shrewd politicians thinking aloud and
are better in the bargaining and trade offs than climbing to lousy and clumsy
deal to become PM of this country. I think they know their limitations and
livability of their tenure with the support from within and outside the
coalition. The only exception would be if Modi himself abstains from the race
and propose these leaders to the post. Even then how long BJP will continue
supporting them and how wishful Modi will be
thinking to prolong their innings are the muted questions here.
Other possibility is that of Alternate (Third front) coming
to the power. It will be again Amma or Didi
as first choices. Though Left parties had a bizzare experience this time from
the hands of Amma, they would be ready to support her but not Didi as it would
be another political blunter they could commit. But the fact that Amma ceding
powers to Paneer Selvam or Thampi Durai for sometime and returning to State
from the post of PM to CM will be fall in grace especially for her. I don’t
expect her to jump into the game unless she foresees some credible
If Amma and Didi are ruled out, what are the other options; Netaji Mulayam will be stopped by Bahanji and vice versa for the obvious
reasons. Then the next choice could be Sharad Pawar, a long time aspirant for
the PM post. His maneuvers and skills would ideally suit him for the win over
the others. Moreover, NCP has not followed any national principles to be a part
of the alliances; with UPA in Delhi and with LDF in Kerala. But it all depends on how many seats NCP is
going to win in Maharashtra this time. Who else there to don the alternative if
not Pawar?
Here comes the logic of seeing Aravind Kejriwal in PM post.
Many polls predict AAP may cross 10 to 15 seats at the national level. In the
case of There Is No Alternative (TINA) for the front of alternatives, Kejriwal could
be the black horse in the race. By this time, everyone agrees that he could be
the major challenge for Modi in his race and not Rahul Gandhi. Though I am not
still sure about whose vote Kejriwal is going to eat in the coming days and who
is going to benefit out of it, I am sure he has made a very impressive debut for
the General Elections. He is a strategist and a man of improbabilities. From
zero, he has made it to the CM of Delhi in less than `18 months. I am not
surprised if Congress extends its support to Kejriwal without any hesitation.
If AAP wins more than
ten seats and the Alternate front forms the Government, who is going to oppose Kejriwal
to build consensus among fighting regional satraps. I too believe that such a
Government may not last longer, but who cares for the stability in the pledge
to keep the communal forces out of power. If such an uncanny situation arises,
Aam Aadmi PM will rule this country for some time atleast. Who knows, whether Kejriwal
can become the first ever person in Indian history to promote from CM to PM in
the shortest span of time or not.