Auction KSRTC Bus stations in Kerala

Indian Railways has done reasonably well in the recent times by aunctioning its owned property adjacent to the railway stations all over India. They in fact are succesful in creating a public limited company to over see these transactions and make a business out of it. But look at the Kerala Road Transport Corperation owned properities in Kerala. Though the KSRTC bus fares are more compared to the Private Bus fares, KSRTC is still having an annual loss of Rs 84 Crores. Every nook and corner of the state, KSRTC manages unutilized property to a larger extend. Imagine if they are in the hands of the private entrepreneurs. It should have created business opportunities in Kerala and also created thousands of employment opportunities in Kerala. The tax payers of Kerala shall demad the accountability from the transport ministry on this. Even after the air trafiic has been deregulated, KSRTC is still at the mercy of politicians


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