A hartal day


On the day of the hartal, I cannot resist working. Not because I want to oppose terhe Hartal but beacuse I have been given a deadline on the project that we are working on ' Justice V R Krishna Iyer - a living legend' documentary on Justice V R Krishna Iyer. The second editing has been going on. The editor and the director wanted my presence in the studio. Since I am leaving for Chennai next day, I have been asked to be present on the hartal day itself. I was deinite that even Justice Krishna Iyer - a member in the first communist ministry - would not oppose my move to work on that day. Whenever we met he emphasised the need for a work culture and the importance of hardwork
When I drove with the director, first i felt hartal has not much impact on that day. 20 km drive from my home to studio in the morning showed up a number of two wheelers in the road. Since th studio was in upsatirs, once we entered the studio we were not all disturned by the happenings outside. When we wished lunch on that day, we realised that it would be a head on task. No shops, no restaurants and not even a single tea shop. Then we searched the restaurant in the nearby railway station. There also, it was almost finished. luckly we got some food. again back to studio.
by the time we came out for an evening tea the main road was buzzling with cars and two wheelers. it seemed a normal city life except the public transport. it seemed everyone is enjoying the hoiday. The private vehicles criss crossed like any other day. By the time, when i reurned home late in the night, it seemed to be normal day.
Next day i reached chennai. When i asked about Hartal in Chennai, many asked what is it??? there was no such an impact.None had heard about Hartal on the previous day.
why Hartals are so success in Kerala? Is it beacuse mass in Kerala support the reasons of the hartal announced and they take hartal as a tool of protest? or is it because they are prevented to enter their workplace or forced to confine to their homes? Or Malayaliees are holiday savvy??
My preposition on this account is that Trade unions have become the monpoly in Kerala. there is no option for employees to look for alternatives. Those unions who raise their voice against monopoly and exploitation bacame the vanguard of the same


Bijoy said…
Nice post, its a really cool blog that you have here, i like the way you present things, keep up the good work, will be back.

Expect more from you...

Warm Regards

Biby Cletus :-

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