Evaluation time


This is the time to evaluate and analyze the contributions of all these governments in the last fifty years. Suppose one come out with an Index positioning the performance and contribution of each government since 57 and on the other side the contribution of different sects of Kerala society and then compare both. What will be the outcome? There are decisions and legislations which had a direct as well as indirect impact on the development of the state. Usually they say land reforms, education bill, golden period between 71 to 75 etc. Again, evaluate the outcome of these reforms. From 1805 onwards, Kerala has been one of the main centre’s of education. Christian missionaries started schools while in Malabar; it is the local administration initiated the proceedings. Trend is continued ven today even though the regulations and legislations on education sector over the time influenced the sector. This is clearly explained in the paper A review of 1957 Education Bill. What is the outcome of the agriculture reforms? Today we hear about suicides and poverty in agri sector. A reform bill which was passed in 1971 should have achieved the goal by this time. But the story is different!!! Were the agri reforms in the anticipated lines? In 119 PSUs in Kerala, the net profit is averaged to 5 to 10 crores where is the total investment is more than 20,000 crores. So everything is in doldrums. Then, who saved the state? Politicians or bureaucrats or World Bank or ADB or our own exploring society?


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