Right to Information Act

The act can be a revolution in Indian Democracy. Even though there are many loop holes and lacunae exist in the act, it can be a well deserving tool for the citizens of this country. Thanks to Aruna Roy, the much needed intitaive taken during post 90's, the country has shown again and again that we can be optimistic about our future.The Governments of various states have shown disinterest in setting up offices towards the implementaion of the act. There is confusion regarding the approach required to use RTI offices to seek the information. It is high time to have a coordianted action plan at the national and at state level to force the Government to implement the act as passed by the Union of India


Anonymous said…
At state level, Kerala Government has been very slow on this matter. In the last couple of days, there are many notifications on this. Please visit the site
Anonymous said…
You can visit RTI Act at http://persmin.nic.in/RTI/WelcomeRTI.htm

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