
Showing posts from January, 2009

AirIndia - in news for wrong reasons

Any Monday morning, I wish a blissful start for the week to follow.  When I reached office, I was planning to spend time on a research work I am up to. It was that time, my colleague called me to help her out to take an air ticket for the coming Wednesday morning from Cochin to Mumbai. I was happy to agree as I always believed taking tickets by air is much simpler and easier compared to have a booking in road or train. All over the world, technological revolution has a profound influence in the aviation sector. Book tickets are given way to the virtual tickets even in the international routes. My impression was also same in Indian context until I venture out to explore State owned aviation sector. Of course, you can ask me why I was bothered to check state run aviation sector. Just because of the simple reason that for the last couple of days, state has spent lot of money to advertise to publicise 85 % cut in the tariff. In between I was told that Air India offers the b...